Friday, October 31, 2008

Cheer Song Friday 10/31/08

Happy Trick or Treating! The picture is of Sue and her oncologist last Halloween. She is so creative and so much fun. I hope I can see her again soon!

Can you believe it's the last day of October? I love November and Thanksgiving. We are having those in my family who are able to come for Thanksgiving at our house. My husband has worked so hard on fix up projects. My daughter loves to cook and has planned the menu. It will be a wonderful time. I love being with family.

I hope that each of you has a great time with your family and friends this weekend. I pray that you will be feeling good and that this nasty cancer will be healed soon!

Here's today's Cheer Song: Enjoy!

This Cancer’s Made for Curing – (to Nancy Sinatra’s “These Boots are Made for Walking”)

We keep praying
For God to please heal us
And to the world
We will all confess

Cancer’s been messin’
Where it shouldn’t been a messin’
Seems it always tries to puts us
To the test

This cancer’s made for curin’
And that’s just what God’ll do
And one of these days this cancer’s
Gonna be all gone and through

We keep trying
To fight cancer from spreading
We keep choosing
To trust God in the fight

We keep saying
God is gonna bring change, yeah
He will fight this fight
Don’t ever forget

This cancer’s made for curin’
And that’s just what God’ll do
And one of these days this cancer’s
Gonna be all gone and through

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cheer Song Thursday 10/30/08

Thank you so much for praying. My sister will probably get her results on Friday. She was able to have lunch with a friend, go back to work, and have a tennis lesson. She is amazing. She is like the Energizer Bunny. She keeps going, and going, and going.

I pray for each of you to have continued strength on this journey and for complete healing.

Here's today's Cheer Song: Enjoy!

I’m Gonna Pray That Cancer Right Out –( To the tune of “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Out My Hair")

I’m gonna pray that cancer right out-a my body
I’m gonna pray that cancer right out-a my body
I’m gonna pray that cancer right out-a my body
And send it on its way.

I’m gonna pray that cancer right out-a my body
I’m gonna pray that cancer right out-a my body
I’m gonna pray that cancer right out-a my body
And send it on its way.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cheer Song Wednesday 10/29/08

Hello Friends!
I pray that y'all haven't fallen victim to the runny noses and congestion that have been going around. Drink lots of orange juice and hot tea with lemon. Get plenty of rest and have fun being with your loved ones.

Here is today's Cheer Song: Enjoy!
Healing Bound (to Simon and Garfunkel’s “Homeward Bound”)

I’m sitting in the waiting station
Waiting for my radiation
For a final round in treatment land
My purse and keys are in my hand
I’ve got a lot that I’ve got planned
For the day, my life’s not bland

Healing bound
I know I am
Healing bound
Healing, where my thoughts escaping
Healing, we’ve all been waiting
Healing, we’ve all been praying
Silently for me

Every day’s an endless stream
Of lots of work and tennis team
And each round looks the same to me
I’m looking forward to being cancer free
And with every round I see
It reminds me that I soon will be


Tonight I’m so happy again
My treatments are almost at an end
And all my thoughts come back to me
Of what the Lord has done for me
My heart’s in perfect harmony
The Lord is there to comfort me


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cheer Song Tuesday 10/28/08

Hello Everyone! I hope that you're having a beautiful day like we are here in Alabama. The weather is starting to get colder this week. It feels so good to bundle up in nice warm clothes.

Please pray for my sister today. She is going to have scans and tests to see if her cancer is gone. We have been praying that she'll be free and clear. I pray that each of you will be free and clear in the days to come.

Here's today's Cheer Song: Enjoy!

He’ Going to Heal You, to the tune of the Mary Tyler Moore

Who can turn the world around with His hands?
Who can take a rainy day and suddenly make it sunny and mild
Well it’s the Lord and you should know it
With each step and every little movement He shows it

God’s love is all around no need to waste it
He’ll help you when you are down and you can’t take it

He’s going to heal you from it all
He’s going to heal you from it all
He’ll help you make it; you’re not on your own
Thought the world is big you’re not all alone

Monday, October 27, 2008

Cheer Song Monday 10/27/08

I pray that this Monday finds you rested and ready for the week ahead. I pray that you will feel well and continue to have hope through this journey.

Here is today's Cheer Song: Enjoy!

I’m on the Road to Cancer Free (to “Yankee Doodle”)

I’m glad the Lord is healing me,
Soon I’ll be a survivor,
I’m on the road to cancer free,
With Jesus as my driver.

Yes, the Lord is healing me,
Yes, I’m getting better,
I’m on the road to cancer free,
It will be gone forever!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cheer Song 10/26/08 Sunday

May God richly bless you on this Sunday. The wedding in Atlanta was beautiful. The ceremony was a wonderful testimony of God's faithfulness in bringing 2 of His children together.

While we were staying with my brother and sister-in-law, I showed her this blog. She told me about a poem that she heard at the end of a sermon. She said it would be great to share on the blog. I found it online and it is from one of my favorite poets, Helen Steiner Rice. So, today's song is actually an inspirational poem.

Here it is. Enjoy!

The Bend in the Road
A poem of encouragement by Helen Steiner Rice.

When we feel we have nothing left to giveAnd we are sure that the song has ended, When our day seems over and the shadows fallAnd the darkness of night has descended,Where can we go to find the strengthTo valiantly keep on trying?Where can we find the hand that will dryThe tears that the heart is crying?There's but one place to go and that is to God,And, dropping all pretense and pride,We can pour out our problems without restraintAnd gain strength with Him at our side.And together we stand at life's crossroadsAnd view what we think is the end,But God has a much bigger vision,And He tells us it's only a bend. For the road goes on and is smoother,And the pause in the song is a rest,And the part that's unsung and unfinishedIs the sweetest and richest and best.So rest and relax and grow stronger,Let go and let God share your load.Your work is not finished or ended,You've just come to a bend in the road

Friday, October 24, 2008

Cheer Song 10/24 & 25/08 Friday and Saturday

Happy weekend! I'm going to Atlanta for a nephew's wedding so today's song will go for both days. It will be great to be with family and friends. I pray that each of you have a great weekend with your family and friends.

Here's Friday and Saturday's Cheer Song:

So Many Smiles – to the tune of 500 Miles by Peter, Paul, and Mary

If you’re on the road I’m on, we will rejoice when cancer’s gone
You can hear the praise and see so many smiles
So many smiles, so many smiles, so many smiles, so many smiles
You can hear the praise and see so many smiles

Lord, there’s one, Lord there’s two, Lord there’s three, Lord there’s four
Lord, there are 500 smiles when cancer’s gone
500 smiles, 500 smiles, 500 smiles, 500 smiles
Lord there’s 500 smiles when cancer’s gone

There’s no fear in looking back, no more hurts and no more pains
Lord, we’re so thankful cancer’s gone away
Gone away, gone away, gone away, gone away
Lord, we’re so thankful cancer’s gone away

If you’re on the road I’m on, we will rejoice when cancer’s gone
You can hear the praise and see so many smiles

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cheer Song Thursday 10/23/08

Today is Thursday and all is well. My father-in-law is home andgetting settled back in. Thank you so much for your prayers. I pray that you have a wonderful day and that you have the strength and energy to keep up the fight.

Here's today's Cheer Song:

I Get My Round – to the tune of I Get Around by The Beachboys

Round, round, round, round, I get my round
I get my round, I get my round

I get my round
From the clinic downtown
I’ve got a real woozy head
Then I’ll go to bed

I’m getting used to driving up and down the same old strip
I’ve got another round down, only a few more trips


My survivor friends and I are getting real well known
Yeah, that bad cancer knows it better leave us alone


In a matter of time we’ll get this cancer beat
It will go right down in a massive defeat


I’ll keep on digging in until I finish the fight
I will be healed soon, yeah, the end is in sight


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cheer Song Wednesday 10/22/08

It's Wednesday! It's hard to believe it's already mid-week. I pray that you have a great day. I pray that if you have a treatment today it won't be painful or make you nauseous. I also hope that you'll be able to make some new friendships on this journey.

Here's today's Cheer Song:

Treatments (to Rawhide)

Going Going Going

Keep going, going, going
Though they are annoying
Keep those treatments going, Oh Boy!
It’s hard to understand them
Just pray your way on through them
Soon you’ll be living cancer free
Though you get tired of fighting
It will be exciting at the end of the line

Shrink them down, take them out
Take them out, shrink them down
Shrink them down; take them out, Oh Boy!
Take them out, shrink them down
Shrink them down, take them out
Take those nasty suckers out, Oh Boy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cheer Song Tuesday 10/21/08

I hope it's a beautiful Tuesday where you live. Isn't the cooler weather wonderful? God is so creative to make all the beautiful colors of Fall. I pray that you will have the time to appreciate them today.

Here's today's Cheer Song:

Zap-a-dee-doo-dah (to Zip-a-dee-doo-dah)

Zap-a-dee-doo-dah, zap-a-dee-ay
All these treatments zap my cancer away
Plenty of chemo coming my way
Zap-a-dee-doo-dah, zap-a-dee-ay

Mr. Port that’s in my shoulder
It’s the truth, it’s actual
You zap my cancer that is factual
Zap-a-dee-doo-dah, zap-a-dee-ay
Wonderful feeling, cancers going away

Monday, October 20, 2008

Cheer Song Monday 10/20/08

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. I pray that this week finds you growing stronger and healthier.

Thank you so much for your prayers for my father-in-law. They are zeroing in on what is wrong with him and hopefully will be able to get him feeling better.

Here is today's Cheer Song:

Health is in Range (to Home on the Range)

Oh, give me some health where no cancer cells roam
Where no fear and anxiety reign
Where no longer is heard a discouraging word
And my life is not cloudy all day

Health, health is in range
Where no fear and anxiety reign
Where no longer is heard a discouraging word
And my life is not cloudy all day

The red dragon was rough and caused much distress
It’s not likely it’ll ever return
With the chemo treatments done, I’m ready for fun
And glad for no more radiation burns


How often I’ve prayed that the end is in sight
Now I see that it’s just not that far
I stand here amazed and my Father I praise
For His healing and wonderful love


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cheer Song Sunday 10/19/08

I pray that you have a wonderful and worshipful Sunday. I pray that He will fill your heart with peace and comfort.Here's today's Cheer Song:

He’s a Bridge Over Troubled Water (to the tune "Bridge Over Troubled Water)

When you’re weary, from it all
When tears are in your eyes, He will dry them all
He’s on your side, when times get rough
And friends just can’t be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
He laid His life down
Like a bridge over troubled water
He laid His life down

When you’re down and out
When you feel defeat
When evening falls so hard
He’ll comfort you
He’ll take your part
When darkness comes
And pain is all around
Like a bridge over troubled water
He laid His life down
Like a bridge over troubled water
He laid His life down

Keep on praying girls
Pray each day
Your time has come to shine
Your healing’s on its way
See how you shine
If you need a friend
He’s standing right beside
Like a bridge over troubled water
He will ease your mind
Like a bridge over troubled water
He will ease your mind

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cheer Song Saturday 10/18/08

I've read blogs of hurting parents who have lost children to childhood cancer and folks who have other forms of cancer other than breast cancer. They are all for the breast cancer cause but are hurt and angry that there is not much emphasis on these other forms of cancer. Please know that my heart and prayers are for a cure to be found for all these other cancers as well.

Please pray for my father-in-law, who is in the hospital. They aren't sure what is wrong with him. My husband thought he looked like he'd had a slight stroke but the tests didn't show that he had. He is feeling poorly. He loves Jesus and says he's ready whenever it's his time to go.

I hope that you have a great Saturday.

Here's today's Cheer Song:

Yucky Cancer (to Rubber Ducky)
Yucky cancer you're no fun
We will fight until you’re gone
Yucky cancer we're not fond of you
Yodee doe dodee
Yucky cancer you're no joy
We'll defeat your every ploy
Yucky cancer we're going to get rid of you
Every day when we see that we're getting better
We thank the Lord Jesus and know we won't become big fretters
Yucky cancer you're not fine
And you won't leave us in a bind

Friday, October 17, 2008

Cheer Song Friday 10/17/08

Do you have your Friday feet on? God is so good to give us weekends. I pray that each of you has a wonderful, restful, fun-filled, blessed next few days.

Here's today's Cheer Song:

Freedom from Cancer( to the tune of Flipper)

Everyone loves to be cancer free
It is as great and fun as can be
Things you can do when it disappears
And no longer living in fear

They call it freedom, freedom, freedom from cancer
How great it can be to be cancer free
And we know from a life filled with cancer
Prayer is the answer to be cancer free

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cheer Song Wednesday 10/15/08

I hope that you have a wonderful Wednesday. It's hump day and only 2 days until Friday. Yay!
Today's song is another tweaked children's song. Enjoy!

The Cancer Goes Away (To the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)

The drugs go down the port
The drugs go down the port
Hi-Ho the dairy-o
The drugs go down the port

The drugs kill the cells
The drugs kill the cells
Hi-Ho the dairy-o
The drugs kill the cells

The cancer goes away
The cancer goes away
Hi-Ho the dairy-o
The cancer goes away

The hair starts growing back
The hair starts growing back
Hi-Ho the dairy-o
The hair starts growing back

Food tastes good again
Food tastes good again
Hi-Ho the dairy-o
Food tastes good again

Thank you God, I’m healed
Thank you God, I’m healed
Hi-Ho the dairy-o
Thank you God, I’m healed

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cheer Song 10/14/08 Tuesday

As I said in my profile, I teach preschoolers. Today's song is one of those childhood classics that I've tweaked. Enjoy!

Down the Port (to the tune of “Pop Goes the Weasel)

Down the port the chemo drugs go,
Surrounding all the cancer,
They aim their guns and fire their shots,
POOF! Goes the cancer!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Cheer Song 10/13/08 Monday

I hope that you are rested up after the weekend and ready to face the week ahead. I pray that you will soon be healed and feeling strong.

Here is today's song:
A Few Things That Healing Brings –( to the tune of “ A Few of My Favorite Things”)

No itchy noses and clothes that are fitting
Bright sunny outlook and done with long sitting
No more gross medicine that tastes bad and stinks
These are a few things that healing brings

Green surface tennis courts and winning at doubles
Perfume and make-up and long baths with bubbles
Wild rice with mushrooms, and yummy chicken wings
These are a few things that healing brings

Lots of great dresses to wear to big bashes
Hair that will stay on my head and eye lashes
New food to try and new songs to sing
These are a few things that healing brings

When the dog bites, when the bee stings
When I’m feeling sad
I simply remember what healing brings

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cheer Song 10/12/08 Sunday

The race was wonderful. There were so many people there to join in the event. This year they had over 13,000 sign up. In the photo above is the group I walked with. I am in the white shirt on the end. Next to me is LouAnn, who I met today. She is going through her second round of chemo. Her 2 daughters are next to her. They raced in her honor, they are Laurie, and Katie Jane. Next to them are Ashley and her mother Corlis. Corlis is my good friend who just had her 13 year survivor checkup. I raced in celebration of her, my sister, my friends: Dale, Sue, and Bridget. I love these wonderful ladies and friends.

I hope that you have a blessed Sunday. Here's today's Cheer Song:

Sunny Days and One Day – to the tune of “Rainy Days and Mondays”

Praying to the Lord and feeling good
On the days I’d like to quit
When no clothes seem to fit
His blessings abound, He wipes off my ugly frown
Sunny days and one day reminds me not to get down

What I’ve got used to cause the blues
Everything seemed all wrong
Feeling so weak not strong
Laying around, taking comfort in what I’ve found
Sunny days and one day reminds me not to get down

Funny, but it seems, Lord I always come back here to you
It’s nice to know how much you love me
Funny, but I know that it’s the only thing to do
To run and find the one that loves me

What I feel has come and gone before
With God I can talk it out
He knows what its all about
His blessings abound, He wipes off my ugly frown
Sunny days and one day reminds me not to get down

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Race for the Cure Cheer Song 10/11/08

Today is the race. I feel so honored to walk beside these courageous women who have fought the breast cancer battle so courageously. Some of my friends are still fighting. I'm so proud to be walking in honor of my sister. She has been a trooper through it all. She is still battling some side effects of surgery and treatments. My prayers are with these hero warriors and that a cure will be found soon.

Here is today's song:

We Are The Survivors (to “ We Are The Champions”)

I’ve paid my dues
Time after time
I’ve done my sentence, but committed no crime
And pains and aches
I’ve had a few
I’ve had my share of meds and treatments, but I’ve come through

We are the survivors, my friends
And we’ll keep in fighting, till the end
We are the survivors
We are the survivors
No time for crying
Cause we are the survivors, of this war

I’ve taken my drugs
And my doctor’s calls
God gave me strength and patience to face it all
I thank Him so

But it’s been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge, as I run this race
And I ain’t gonna lose


Friday, October 10, 2008

Cheer Song Friday 10/10/08

It's Friday! Yay! Put on your happy feet! My feet are getting ready to do the 1 mile fun walk for the Race for the Cure in Central Alabama. I'm so excited to be able to participate in this wonderful event that raises money for Susan G. Komen. I will be walking with a friend who is a 13 year breast cancer survivor and her daughter's team.

Here is today's song. Enjoy!

We Are Cancer Free!! To the tune of “We Are Family”

We are cancer free
I got all my sisters with me
We are cancer free
Get up everybody and sing

Everybody can see we’re together
We have survived and we’re here to tell everyone
We are alive
All of the people we talk to, they say
You are heroes
Just let me state for the record
God has given healing in a full sized dose

(Chorus x 2)

Living life is now fun since we’re cancer free
We want to share with the world our delight
High hope we have for the future
And our goal is in sight
We want to help find a cure
Here’s what we call our Golden Rule
Have faith in the Lord and His healing too
You won’t go wrong
He’s our precious jewel

(Repeat chorus to fade)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cheer Song Thursday 10/9/08

I pray that this Thursday finds you doing well. I hope that any treatments you're going through will not knock you down.
Here is today's Cheer Song:
Cancer, Cancer, Cancer Free (to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle”)

Cancer, cancer, cancer free
That is what I'm going to be
Friendships, loved ones, prayer, and hope;
They're the things to help me cope.
Cancer, cancer, cancer free,
That is what I'm going to be.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cheer Song Wednesday 10/8/08

It's Wednesday and I would like to tell you about another of my friend's that is fighting breast cancer for the second time around. Bridget, like Sue is one of the Godliest women you'll ever meet. She loves the Lord with all her heart, soul, and mind. She has triplets that are adults, 2 girls and 1 boy. She also has another teenage son who just turned 16. She and her husband Rodney were like a second set of parents to our oldest son who is 24 now. They were the most fun and loving friends. We haven't been able to spend time with them in years as our lives have been so busy. We keep up with them through their CaringBridge site. The cancer is wreaking havoc on Bridget's body. Please pray that the oral chemo she is taking now will be effective and she might be healed. Thank you!

Here is today's Cheer song:
Chemo is Flowing to My Cells (to Raindrops Are Falling on My Head)

Chemo is flowing to my cells
It will take away my cancer
And soon I will be well
Cancers not for me
Oh, chemo is flowing through my cells
It keeps flowing

So I just did me some talking to my doc
She said that all the treatments are working by the clock
Soon I will be well
Oh, chemo is flowing to my cells
It keeps flowing

And there’s one thing I know
This cancer won’t defeat me
It won’t beat me
It won’t be long ‘til healthiness is there to greet me

Chemo is flowing to my cells
It will take away my cancer
And soon I will be well
Cancers not for me
‘Cuz I’m gonna beat it,
Wait and see
I’ll be cancer free
Just wait and see

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cheer Song Tuesday 10/7/08

Happy Tuesday! I pray that each of you will have a wonderful day with no after effects from any treatments. Today's song is a take on the "Doe a Deer" song made famous in the movie,"The Sound of Music". Enjoy!

Doe –Ray –Me

Doe, I hope insurance pays
Ray, to zap out all my lumps
Me, the one the Lord will heal
Far, when you’ve looked from where I’ve come
So, I’m singing to the Lord
Lots to pray and thank Him for
Team, who’ve been there for support
And that will bring us back to doe

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cheer Song 10/6/08

I hope that today's song will bring a smile to your face and start your week off right. Enjoy!

The Cancer-free Chickadees (to the tune of “The Beverly Hillbillies”)

Let me tell you all the process of becoming cancer free,
It’s not just radiation or chemo-therapy,
You have a team of folks to surround you all the time,
Family, friends, nurses, and doctors of all kinds

Unity that is, lots of love and lots of prayers (spoken)

First thing you know the cancer’s shrinking fast.
Your very final treatment is coming up at last,
You’ve traveled down a road whose end you finally see,
You’re now a survivor and completely cancer free!

Free that is, no more hair loss, no more wigs! (spoken)
The Cancer-Free Chickadees (spoken)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday Cheer Song 10/05/08

Today's song is a song that I wrote when we were going through a difficult time after the death of a loved one in our family. These are several verses that the Lord used to comfort me through this time. I hope that they will comfort and encourage you as well.
Always Pray (Luke 18:1, Proverbs 3:5&6, Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 6:33)

Always pray, don’t give up
Always pray, don’t lose hope
He is faithful
He will answer
Always pray

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him
And He will direct your paths
When you


For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord
Plans for welfare, not calamity
So you will have hope
When you


Seek first the kingdom and His righteousness
And all these things will be added to you
Will be added unto you
When you


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cheer Song 10/04/08 Saturday.

It's Saturday! I hope that you have a wonderful day! I hope that your favorite team wins.

Roll Tide Roll!

I am adding Sue's Fall hat picture today. I love all the Fall colored leaves on it.
Also, since today is a college football Saturday, today's cheers are speaking cheers. Enjoy!
Name of the cheer: Healing

H-E-A-L-I-N-G (say each letter)
That’s what you can pray for me,
Healing, total complete healing!
Hey! Hey! Hey!

Two Bits

Two bits,
Four bits,
Six bits,
A dollar,
All for being cancer free,
Stand up and holler!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday Cheer Song 10/03/08

It's Friday! I hope that each of you have a wonderful and restful weekend! Here's the Cheer Song for today:

Fighting Cancer Now with All My Might (to Winter Wonderland)

Cancer stinks, are you listening?
Radiation leaves me glistening
A beautiful sight, I glow like a light
I’m fighting cancer now with all my might

Chemo seems to really hit my taste buds
Makes all food taste like its coffee grounds
And I never have to get my hair done
I’ve got the cutest bald head in the town

Later on, when I’m finished
All these signs will diminish
I’ll be healthy and bright
I’ve won the big fight
I’m fighting cancer now with all my might
Fighting cancer now with all my might

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Cheer Song 10/02/08

Here's a cheer song for today. I hope that you have a great day. I continue to pray for a cure.

Cancer Go (to Let It Snow)

Oh the chemo is not too frightful
But it’s also not delightful
And though this process is slow
Cancer go, cancer go, cancer go

It doesn’t show signs of spreading
And I won’t get news I’m dreading
So here’s what I want you to know
Cancer go, cancer go, cancer go

When the process is finally done
And my hair is growing back in
I will really be having fun
Let all the games begin

The journey has been very trying
And that fact I’m not denying
But I say fellow sisters and bros
Cancer go, cancer go, cancer go!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

With this being Breast Cancer Awareness month, I am going to post a cheer song every day. I thought this one would be appropriate to kick off the month. Enjoy!

Cancer Stinks (to “Jingle Bells”)


Cancer stinks,
Cancer stinks,
We think cancer stinks,
We’ll fight the fight,
Race for the cure,
‘Cuz we think cancer stinks.

We are unified,
To see cancer disappear,
We’ll trust the Lord above,
Won’t live our lives in fear,

We know He is our hope,
On that we all agree,
He gives us strength to cope,
Soon we’ll be cancer free!

Cheer Song Thursday 10/16/08

Today I've been thinking alot about people who've been touched by cancer in some shape or form. I want to give a shout out to my sister, and all my cheer friends who are bravely fighting with great faith, courage, and hope.

Here's today's Cheer Song:

Chemo in My Shoulder (to Sunshine on My Shoulders)

Chemo in my shoulder kills the cancer
Chemo in my port can make me cry
Chemo makes my stomach feel so queasy
Chemo almost always makes me sigh

Verse 1:
If I had a day without a side effect
It’d be a day that I’m full of energy
If I had a day where food was good to me
I’d eat a feast to last me for a week


Verse 2:
If I had a joke that I could tell you
I’d tell a joke sure to make you smile
If I had a prayer that I would pray for you
I’d pray for healing from this cancer trial
