Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cheer Song Wednesday 10/22/08

It's Wednesday! It's hard to believe it's already mid-week. I pray that you have a great day. I pray that if you have a treatment today it won't be painful or make you nauseous. I also hope that you'll be able to make some new friendships on this journey.

Here's today's Cheer Song:

Treatments (to Rawhide)

Going Going Going

Keep going, going, going
Though they are annoying
Keep those treatments going, Oh Boy!
It’s hard to understand them
Just pray your way on through them
Soon you’ll be living cancer free
Though you get tired of fighting
It will be exciting at the end of the line

Shrink them down, take them out
Take them out, shrink them down
Shrink them down; take them out, Oh Boy!
Take them out, shrink them down
Shrink them down, take them out
Take those nasty suckers out, Oh Boy!

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