Friday, October 31, 2008

Cheer Song Friday 10/31/08

Happy Trick or Treating! The picture is of Sue and her oncologist last Halloween. She is so creative and so much fun. I hope I can see her again soon!

Can you believe it's the last day of October? I love November and Thanksgiving. We are having those in my family who are able to come for Thanksgiving at our house. My husband has worked so hard on fix up projects. My daughter loves to cook and has planned the menu. It will be a wonderful time. I love being with family.

I hope that each of you has a great time with your family and friends this weekend. I pray that you will be feeling good and that this nasty cancer will be healed soon!

Here's today's Cheer Song: Enjoy!

This Cancer’s Made for Curing – (to Nancy Sinatra’s “These Boots are Made for Walking”)

We keep praying
For God to please heal us
And to the world
We will all confess

Cancer’s been messin’
Where it shouldn’t been a messin’
Seems it always tries to puts us
To the test

This cancer’s made for curin’
And that’s just what God’ll do
And one of these days this cancer’s
Gonna be all gone and through

We keep trying
To fight cancer from spreading
We keep choosing
To trust God in the fight

We keep saying
God is gonna bring change, yeah
He will fight this fight
Don’t ever forget

This cancer’s made for curin’
And that’s just what God’ll do
And one of these days this cancer’s
Gonna be all gone and through

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